CLANPO: Community-Based Drug and Alcohol Control

CLANPO (Community-Based Drug and Alcohol Control) is a local non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been implementing the CBDAC project in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Rai provinces in Thailand, specifically targeting 120 ethnic communities. With nearly 20 years of experience, CLANPO has developed and implemented the CBDAC method, which relies on the community as the driving force for change in addressing alcohol and drug-related issues, as well as other development challenges

The project that is implemented by CLANPO in partnership with IOGT-NTO Movement seek to empower ethnic communities and networks, enabling them to lead better lives without the problems associated with alcohol and drugs. The project also aims to amplify the voices of marginalized groups, particularly women and children, allowing them to exercise their rights. CLANPO places great importance on community empowerment and participation, shifting its focus from solely reducing the number of alcohol and drug users to integrating other critical issues such as gender inequality and child rights. The ultimate goal is to create a safe environment where all children can thrive within their families and communities, free from the harms of alcohol and drugs, while actively participating in their own development as well as that of their families and communities.

Over the course of five years, the project will cover four villages in Pang Ma Pha district, namely Sobpong village of Shan, Wanaluang village of Red Lahu, Nong Tong village of Lisu, and Pang Kam Noi village of Black Lahu. The target group for this project is boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years old. Through this initiative, we believe to have positive and lasting impact on the lives of young individuals within these communities.

To learn more about CLANPOs’ work, click here