Goal 7 - Sustainable energy for all

How we manufacture and use energy and fuels affects both climate change and world poverty. Many people today do not have access to electricity and while we need to reduce our emissions, we need to ensure that more people have access to renewable energy, without harming the planet.

Global energy demand is expected to increase by 37% by 2030. This must happen at the same time as we must reduce the use of fossil fuels and stop emitting harmful greenhouse gases.

In many developing countries, valuable fuel is used to boil spirits - fuel that could be used for cooking. The alcohol industry is also consuming energy. To save the climate, we need to make more conscious choices.


Waste less electricity!

Check what the electricity bill is on today. Then challenge yourself and your family to try to lower your electricity bill by wasting less electricity.

Use lids when cooking!

If you have a lid for the saucepan when you boil water, use 75% less energy. Try not to use more water than necessary. Purifying water requires energy.

Efficient electricity in school!

Talk to a teacher or principal that the school should not waste electricity. Turn off lights and keep a reasonable temperature, then the school saves both money and energy.

Learn more and find out what you can do to # Become Aware of www.globalamålen.se

Who are you?

Sara Vedin is a member of the youth association UNF.


Tell us about your interpretation

We fire up our resources and our planet with our energy production based on fossil fuels. The technique I used is linoeum printing.