
Junis is an organization for and with children, which works to create opinion and influence decision makers - both in Sweden and internationally - for children's right to grow up in a safe and sober environment.

Junis has about 12 members up to the age of 000 who are members of one of the approximately 15 Junis associations around the country.

Junis is a non-profit organization that is religiously and politically independent. More information about their business can be found at Juni.

The Sobriety Movement's Scout Association (NSF)

To be a scout is to do your best to become the best version of yourself. In the Sobriety Movement's Scout Association, children, young people and scout leaders gather every week to experience adventure and try new things.

NSF's operations focus on problem solving, leadership and sobriety. The association stands for an open and democratic society where young people are involved and decide. Here is a conviction that together we can create a better world where everyone has a place. To be a scout, it is to care! To care about others, to care about oneself and to care about the future.

NSF consists of 74 unions active in about 70 municipalities, from Ånäset in the north to Malmö in the south.
Read more about the business at NSF.

Youth Sobriety Association - UNF

UNF is a union of young people, for young people. They work for an active and drug-free leisure time for young people and give young people a platform to get involved and create businesses.

In order for the world to become as democratic and solidary as possible, UNF works to avert obstacles that slow down democratic and solidary development. Alcohol is one of these obstacles. That is why UNF works preventively against alcohol and drugs - through its activities but also by conducting extensive advocacy work.

UNF has 125 associations around the country and welcomes members who are between 13 and 25 years old.

Learn more about UNF.


IOGT-NTO is an organization with close to 27 members in 000 local associations across the country.

Through the association's activities and advocacy work, the organization inspires a healthy and drug-free lifestyle and challenges the prevailing alcohol norm, which presupposes that all adults drink alcohol.

IOGT-NTO is a non-profit organization that is politically and religiously independent. More information about IOGT-NTO and their activities can be found at IOGT-NTO.