Recognized artists and committed members interpret the global goals and build knowledge through art!

We create the future - is an interactive art exhibition about the Global Goals and how we in a fun way increase knowledge about important issues and at the same time encourage our own creation.

A multi-year collaboration between Våra Gårdar, the study association NBV and the IOGT-NTO movement. The project is funded by ForumCiv.

Before you dive into the world of art
we ask you to answer a question;

How much do you know about the global goals?(Mandatory)

See the works of art and read more about each goal here.

One of the things that stands in the way of goals is alcohol and drugs. The IOGT-NTO movement works to reduce these obstacles. The damage and cost of alcohol and drugs to individuals, families and communities is enormous. For nothing.

Did you know, for example, that 14 of the 17 global goals are negatively affected by alcohol? Not? Then you are not alone. Not many people know that.

Therefore, we have made a short film that describes how it is connected. Feel free to look at it

What do you know about the Global Goals?

Did you know that they are produced by the 193 UN member states? Governments, but also researchers, the business community and people in civil society have been involved. Old and many young. Over 10 million people contributed their views in one of history's most democratic processes.

The Global Goals are thus our Goals. Yours and mine. Your voice and our future. We can all contribute to them.

If you want to know more about the Global Goals right now go to:

If you and your association want to arrange a study circle, you can find it here:

If you want to know more about the exhibition, contact:

Download the poster here