Goal 10 - Reducing inequality

Distributing resources and power evenly throughout the world is important for a sustainable society. No one should be left out of the development. Equality means that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of where you come from, what religion you have, how old you are or if you see yourself as a boy or girl. Equality reduces the risk of conflicts in the world.

"Leave No One Behind" is the Keywords of Global Goals and means that no one should be left out in the development towards a more equal and just society - regardless of ethnicity, gender, functional variation or age. Equality reduces the risk of conflicts and increases people's opportunities to participate in and influence societal development.

When many people in a country have problems with addiction, democracy is weakened and the goal of creating less inequality within countries as well as between countries is made more difficult by the alcohol industry, according to the WHO.
As long as the alcohol industry works for people to drink more by paying for massive advertising campaigns, counteracting alcohol taxes and other regulations that protect people, the damage and costs for these in societies will also increase.

Consumption and damage are increasing most in so-called developing countries. Therefore, the IOGT-NTO movement works to strengthen the knowledge of how total consumption and costs are linked, and shows how to effectively protect human beings. Of course the industry does not like it…
But the alcohol industry also often creates many jobs where it establishes itself and the alcohol tax draws money into the state. That is why many politicians think it is good.
How do you think one should look at companies that manufacture goods that are harmful to so many?
Is it the company, society or the individual who should take responsibility?


Take a stand against bullying!

Report people who you think behave rudely online, in the schoolyard, in the classroom or elsewhere.

Get a better idea of ​​different religions and cultures!

Prejudices against different groups of people are often based on ignorance. Learn more! Hang out with your friends where you eat, watch movies and listen to music from another culture.

Respect and include others!

Learn to respect people who may be doing things differently from you. Act inclusively and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to express their voice.


Learn more and find out what you can do to # Become Aware of www.globalamålen.se

Who are you?

Oliver & Elvira Erixon from the sobriety movement's scout association NSF.


Tell us about your interpretation

The artwork is called "Equal value in a fair world" and is about both girls and boys getting the same amount of money for the same job and that it does not matter what sexual orientation you have, hence the pride flag in the background.