
The board was elected at an extra annual meeting on April 12, 2021.

It consists of:
Andrine Winther, Chairman

Lucas Nilsson, Vice Chairman

Mona Örjes

Per Ericsson

Johan Sundqvist

Linn Ternfors

Jennifer Oskarsson Palmius

Andrine Winther, Chairman

Hi Andrine!
Which of your experiences do you think are relevant to your role as chairman of the board?

- I have extensive experience of non-profit work and positions of trust at all levels in the IOGT-NTO movement, including UNF's Federal Board and as Vice President of IOGT-NTO. Former international secretary for the Social Democrats, vice chairman of Olof Palme's international center and expert to Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Many years of involvement in civil society organizations and boards at both local and Nordic, European and international levels.

Why do you want to join this board? 

- Alcohol is an obstacle to development and we are unique in our work with this issue. INRIF works with poverty reduction together with people locally as well as with alcohol policy and legislation at a high level. We make a difference directly and in the long term.

With my long experience from the sobriety movement and politics, I can help to put even more clearly the important issue of alcohol as an obstacle to development on the agenda.

Together with the rest of the highly qualified board and our competent employees, I look forward to continuing to develop the fine international work we have in the IOGT-NTO movement.

Can you tell us something personal about you?

- I am from Vara but live in Gustavsberg in the beautiful archipelago municipality Värmdö with my husband and our daughter. On a daily basis, I am the head of the secretariat of the Social Democrats' parliamentary group. I do non-profit work, training and crafts in my spare time. Love structure and organizing things in the right order.


Lucas Nilsson, Vice Chairman

Hi Lucas!
What experience do you want to contribute to the board's work?

- I have a long background of non-profit assignments within both the Swedish and international sobriety movement. Bachelor's degree in development studies.

What makes you involved in the work of the IOGT-NTO movement?
- Alcohol is an obstacle to development no matter where in the world you are, but its negative consequences affect poor societies many times more. It has negative consequences for the environment, gender equality, poverty reduction, peace processes, democratization and so much more. The IOGT-NTO movement is one of the few actors who, together with our grassroots partners, pay attention to this problem and work constructively for peace, democracy and sustainable development.

Can you tell us something personal? 
I live in Malmö and am the union chairman of the member organization IOGT-NTO.


Mona Örjes, member

Hey Mona!
Which of your qualifications and previous experiences are relevant to your role on the board?

- Since 2015, I have been the union chairman of the children's and children's rights organization Junis. During 2015–2021, chairman of the organization that was responsible for, among other things, the IOGT-NTO movement's international activities.

Why does it feel important for you to be here?

- The IOGT-NTO movement's three principles of democracy, solidarity and sobriety are central also in my personal values, and I would like to contribute to strengthening those values ​​not only in Sweden, but in the whole world. I hope to be able to contribute to it with my focus on child rights, my alcohol and drug policy skills and my commitment to a better world.

Can you tell us a little bit personally about yourself?

- I live in Enköping and am a teacher at heart, but in my professional life I have mainly worked in the non-profit sector. In addition to a great association commitment, I enjoy reading and being out in nature. I like to learn new things and develop, and therefore often read a part-time course at a university to immerse myself in various interesting areas.


Portrait of Per Eriksson
Per Eriksson, member

Hi Peter!
Nice to have you on the board. What do you want to contribute to the business?

- I hope to contribute with experience from having worked with and in many different non-profit contexts, together with people with different motivations. I have my background in NSF and further in IOGT-NTO and in the Scouts. I have worked for the IOGT-NTO movement in East Africa and for the Scouts, and contributed to the development of scouting organizations in Burundi, Rwanda and in Congo Kinshasa.

What engages you in the work of the IOGT-NTO movement?

- Alcohol's negative effects are often something of a blind spot, something that is just taken for granted, but every individual, group or society needs to problematize alcohol, its role and effects. For me, the role of the temperance movement is to make visible and direct the spotlight on the problems and risks. Getting involved in the board will be a way to contribute to doing that.

Tell us something you really like:

- Water, lakes, streams, streams, rivers and seas and how they bind us together, have always tickled my imagination and sense of adventure. And one of the things that makes me feel most alive is experiencing nature on and around water by myself or with others. In a canoe on a rushing river, in a kayak along the coast or for a sail on the open sea.


Linn Ternefors, member

Hi Lynn!

Can you tell us something personal about yourself?

- I have a great interest in languages ​​​​and am currently working on improving my French. Being able to understand and make oneself understood in several languages ​​is enriching in so many ways. I've had the opportunity to practice both my Spanish and French during my time as International Commissioner in the national board of The Guides and Scouts of Sweden. During this volunteer position I've also had the pleasure of meeting a few of IOGT-NTO Movement partners that are affiliated to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

How important is it for you to be a board member for IOGT-NTO Movement?

- In 2007 I had the privilege of attending a partner visit to Tanzania organized by The Swedish Temperance Guide and Scout Association. For me personally that was when I started to realize that alcohol is an obstacle to development and people's health and well-being regardless of where you live in the world. The Movement plays an important role in many local communities and their political efforts within their respective countries. However, I also strongly believe we can leverage our reach by spreading the knowledge about the role of alcohol in relation to the goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


What do you aspire to contribute on this role?

- I have an extensive network within the Swedish Temperance Movement and hope I can assist in spreading the word about the important work carried out by our partners and how one as a member or supporter can contribute. I have been a monthly donor for many years and wish that we could reach more people with the information on how to donate. From my professional career I hope to contribute with my knowledge in HR and organizational development.


Jennifer Oskarsson Palmius, member

Hi Jennifer!

Can you tell us something personal about yourself?

- I live in the middle of Sweden and enjoy Nordic skiing. In the autumn of 2005 until spring of 2006, I was a youth volunteer in Tanzania.

How important is it for you to be a board member for IOGT-NTO Movement?

– I find IOGT-NTO Movement very important, and I am happy and grateful for being elected as a board member, but it is not important that it is me specifically on the board. I know there are plenty of people that would contribute to grate ways to the board.

What do you aspire to contribute on this role?

- I aspire to contribute another point of view. I have been a member of IOGT-NTO Movement in Sweden for several years and have been an active participant locally, regionally and nationally. Lately I've focused locally along side with my job as HR specialist at a Swedish government.